Is the Internet Infinite?

by Alex Aldrin on

Is the Internet Infinite?
“Immortality in the Cloud”

Could the Internet be infinite? And – are we seeking immortality in the Cloud?

Hear my answers and conclusions in this video.

From my notes for this video:

The other day I was getting some information on the web and was astounded by the amount of material available on the internet

I had the thought; “could the internet be infinite?”

Think about how much material there is out there, being added to every minute of every day

After thinking about it I decided


A very large number of interactions, but not infinite

The difference between infinity and a very large number – infinity never ends

Had the thought; “when I die my whole life will be reduced to what I have on my backup hard drive or stored in the cloud”.

Then wondered; “do we look to the internet and cloud for a sort of immortality?”

Perhaps why all of us are making videos and writing blogs and articles – we want part of us to remain out there in the vast cloud that is the internet.

Perhaps someone will find us or remember us because of what exists in the cloud.

So, to summarize, the Internet seems infinite, but it is not.

Some of us be may be seeking immortality by our existence in the cloud…

Written by: Alex Aldrin

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