
Definitions of Atheism

by Alex Aldrin on

Does Atheism Deny God? – “Definitions of Atheism”

Is atheism a “disbelief” or a “belief”?

Some definitions are presented here, along with info on Negative (weak) atheism and Positive (strong) atheism.

This is the first in a short series of videos titled “Does Atheism Deny God?”

Does Atheism Deny God? –
“Atheist’s Internal Squabbles”

This video is about the debate among atheists whether atheism is a “belief”, or a “disbelief”. Some atheists claim that the “burden of proof” shifts to the atheist if we label atheism a belief.

I put forward the position that this debate is irrelevant in the world of believers, and a kind of “tempest in a teapot” amongst atheists.

Nothing to Offer – The Emptiness of Atheism

This video is called “Nothing to Offer”, and is part of the “Emptiness of Atheism” series of videos.

The “Emptiness of Atheism” video series is a group of videos I am doing about consequences of being an atheist. There are consequences to being an atheist which aren’t covered much by atheists, partly because I don’t think they think about them very much.

The one I will cover in this video I am calling – “Nothing to Offer”.

No Larger Meaning – The Emptiness of Atheism

This video is called “No Larger Meaning”, and is part of the “Emptiness of Atheism” series of videos.

The “Emptiness of Atheism” video series is a group of videos I am doing about consequences of being an atheist. There are consequences to being an atheist which aren’t covered much by atheists, partly because I don’t think they think about them very much.

The one I will cover in this video I am calling – “no larger meaning” or “no ultimate meaning”.

No Personal Magic – The Emptiness of Atheism
This video is called “NO Personal Magic”, and is part of the “Emptiness of Atheism” series of videos.

The “Emptiness of Atheism” video series is a group of videos I am doing about consequences of being an atheist.

There are consequences to being an atheist which aren’t covered much by atheists, partly because I don’t think they think about them very much

The one I will cover in this video I am calling: “no personal magic” or “no magical universe”.

The Hero Savior of Vietnam

by Alex Aldrin on

“The Hero Savior of Vietnam” – The Burden of Proof

This is a story I found on the internet, by Richard Carrier. It was included in his article “Why I Am Not a Christian” (2006).

I though it was worth sharing because of its relevance to “the burden of proof” for evaluating extraordinary claims, and extraordinary stories. Note: this is not my story, but is from Richard Carrier.

This article is located at:

I would highly recommend any books by Richard Carrier, particularly his newest: On the Historicity of Jesus: Why We Might Have Reason for Doubt

Atheist Video One Million and One (… but this one is different!)

I thought I might qualify as atheist video one million and one for this particular video… but I’m not sure that I have.

I think that there are probably more than that out there about atheism and atheists.

It is just amazing how much is out there.

I have been watching videos about atheism and atheists for a few years now.

Atheism Has No Answers

by Alex Aldrin on

Atheism Has No Answers (It’s kind of scary being an Atheist)

People who like answers, especially easy answers, don’t normally gravitate towards atheism.

People who want a lot of answers and like the surety of their beliefs will be horrified at the emptiness of atheism.

The Angry Atheist Myth

by Alex Aldrin on

The “Angry Atheist” Myth
It’s NOT true, and here’s why…

There is an “Angry Atheist” myth out there, in the press, on religious programs, and anecdotally.

Atheists are all said to be angry, to hate religion and god.

This is a myth and is untrue… yes, there are some angry atheists but they are a small minority.

Most atheists don’t care about religion… there is really nothing for them to “hate”, they mostly just want to be left alone.